
                                       General Terms and Conditions  

                                      for YICHOO Limited online orders 


January 1, 2024 

  1. Scope of application, conclusion of a purchase agreement 

 1.1 These General Terms and Conditions ("General Terms and Conditions") apply to all agreements that YICHOO Limited ("YICHOO" or "we") with its registered office in W4-2197, Hardware Mechanical and Electrical City, Huangpi District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, concludes with a customer who is a consumer, i.e. every natural person who enters into a legal transaction for purposes that predominantly are outside such person's trade, business or profession, ("you") on the basis of online orders, e.g. via the website of YICHOO ("Website"). If anything is unclear to you or you have any questions about these General Terms and Conditions please contact us at: yichooo@hotmail.com.   

1.2 The products displayed on our Website constitute a non-binding product catalogue. Our product offerings on the Website are non-binding and do not constitute an offer to conclude a purchase agreement. 

By placing an order via the Website, you make a binding offer to purchase the relevant products and, thus, to conclude a purchase agreement ("Agreement").  

To place an order, you may, as a first step, put our products into your shopping basket in a non-binding manner and then correct your entries at any time by adjusting your cart before placing your binding order. In the basket itself, you can change the quantity of a product or delete a product from your basket at any time. Next, you are required to enter all of the data that is relevant to the processing of your order (first and last name, invoice and delivery address, selection of a payment method and payment details, e-mail address, shipping details and phone number). During the order process, we provide you with technical resources in the form of a standard check for completeness and plausibility (check to see whether all mandatory fields have been completed and whether the characters entered are appropriate for the mandatory field in question) to help you to recognise any errors you have possibly made in your entries. Your order data is then summarised once again for your final check. By clicking on the "Order and pay" button, you place a binding order for the products in your basket. By clicking on the "Order and pay" button, you place a binding order for the products in your basket. By clicking on the “Order and pay” button and placing a binding order you accept these General Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policy. 

Receipt of the order will be confirmed by us via e-mail to you ("Receipt Confirmation") without undue delay. The Receipt Confirmation does not yet constitute the acceptance of your order unless it expressly declares such an acceptance; in this case, the Agreement shall be deemed to have been concluded as a result of the acceptance. In all other cases, an Agreement is deemed to have been concluded at the time at which the products you have ordered are dispatched as stated in Clauses 4.1 and 4.2 and you receive a further separate e-mail from us informing you of the dispatch ("Dispatch Confirmation"). The Dispatch Confirmation will also contain all details of the Agreement (including the details of the order and these General Terms and Conditions as well as the Privacy Policy). 

We reserve the right in our sole discretion not to accept your order. If the Receipt Confirmation does not expressly declare an acceptance of your order and your products are not dispatched within five working days from receipt of the Receipt Confirmation, your offer to conclude an Agreement shall be deemed to have been rejected. 


If you have selected PayPal or Apple Pay as your payment method as stated in Clause 3.2, the Agreement shall be deemed to have been concluded at the time you confirm the payment instruction to PayPal or Apple Pay. 

1.3 The language available for the conclusion of an Agreement is: English. 

1.4 You can place your order as a guest via Express Checkout without registering. You may also register on our Website as stated below in Clause 2 when you place your order and create a customer account ("Customer Account"). If you create a Customer Account when you place your order, the details of your order and the Agreement will be stored therein; you can then review the details in your Customer Account. We will also send to you the order details and these General Terms and Conditions with the Dispatch Confirmation as stated in Clause 1.2 para. 4. You also have the option of reading and downloading these General Terms and Conditions at any time via our Website. 

1.5 You are entitled to withdraw from the Agreement in accordance with the instructions on withdrawal pursuant. 

1.6 If you wish to amend or cancel your order immediately after having clicked “Order and pay” then please call our customer service team who will do their best to help. You can reach them under yichooo@hotmail.com. Your statutory withdrawal rights remain unaffected. 

  1. Registration, customer account and data protection

2.1 In order to register on our Website, you have to complete the mandatory fields in the registration form correctly and in full. The registration is successfully completed if it has been confirmed by us with a corresponding confirmation e-mail.  

2.2 Your personal login details have to be stored in a way that protects them against access by third parties. If third parties become aware of your login details nonetheless, then you shall inform us immediately and change your login details. You are also responsible for renewing the data specified by you for each new order. 

2.3 Further information on the handling of your personal data is set out in our Privacy Policy

  1. Terms and conditions of payment, shipping costs, return shipping costs

3.1 All prices for products displayed on the Website excluding value-added tax and customs duties. All value-added tax and customs duties incurred need to be paid by the purchaser.All transactions are processed in USD. 

3.2 The following payment methods are available: 

- Credit card (MasterCard, VISA, American Express): Your credit card will be charged upon acceptance of your order according to Clause 1.2 para. 4. 

- Apple Pay: When you add Apple Pay as a payment method, you'll need to verify your account in the Apple Pay App or on the website. 

- PayPal: You pay the invoice amount via the online provider PayPal. In general, you have to register or be registered with PayPal, enter your login details to confirm your identity and then confirm the payment instruction to us. You will receive further information during the order process. 

value of the card, any balance will remain on the card and may be applied to future purchases, provided that the card has not expired. 

3.3 All debit and credit card payments are subject to validation and authorisation by the relevant card issuer. If for any reason the issuer of your payment card refuses to authorise payment to us, we will not be liable for any delay or non-delivery to you. We will at all times ensure that our website is as secure as possible. In addition, we will take all reasonable care to protect the details of your order and payment. However, except in the case of proven negligence on our part, we will not be liable for any losses you incur if a third party gains unauthorised access to your personal information on our website. 

3.4 For each binding order you place via the Website, you will receive an invoice for the amount payable by you. The invoice will be attached to the Receipt Confirmation as stated in Clause 1.2 para. 4 if this constitutes the acceptance of your order or, otherwise, to the Dispatch Confirmation as stated in Clause 1.2 para. 4. 

3.5 In the event of default in payment, we are entitled to our statutory rights. 

3.6 Set-off and exercise of a right of retention by you due to contested counterclaims or counterclaims which are not final are excluded. The exercise of any retention right by you is also excluded to the extent that the counterclaims are not based on the same contractual relationship. 

3.7 All prices for products displayed on the Website do not include shipping costs as well as customs duties and other similar public charges. These will be charged over and above the specified product prices unless otherwise expressly agreed.  


  1. The shipping costs will be automatically specified in your basket and displayed in the summary of the order data as stated in Clause 1.2 para. 3. These costs will also be included in the invoice as stated in Clause 3.4. 

4.1 Terms and conditions of dispatch and delivery 

4.2 Any date of dispatch communicated by us shall be approximate and may deviate by two working days unless an exact date has been expressly agreed. 

4.3 The date of dispatch shall be the date on which the products purchased by you are handed over to a transport person delivering the products. 

4.4 The products can be exclusively delivered to addresses within all countries that support transportation to.

4.5 The product availability can generally be seen in the product description. Products shall be delivered within 2 - 5 working days unless no or a deviating delivery period is indicated with regard to the respective product on our Website.  

 In the event that a product you have ordered via our Website is (temporarily) unavailable when you are placing the order, we will inform you immediately about the non-availability. In case a product is permanently unavailable, we will refrain from accepting your order. An Agreement will not be concluded in this case. 

In the event an Agreement is concluded and our supplier fails to make a delivery relevant for the delivery of a product ordered by you, then any applicable period for delivery according to this Clause 4.4 shall be deemed to have been extended until three working days after the respective delivery is made by our supplier but in no event by a period of more than three weeks, provided that our supplier's failure to timely supply is not based on our fault or negligence and we have made a corresponding order from the supplier without undue delay. 

If a product is permanently unavailable or cannot be timely delivered as stated in Clause 4.4 para. 3, we will inform you immediately. In the event a product is unavailable and the delivery cannot be assured by the delivery from our supplier within the foreseeable future, we shall be entitled to withdraw from the Agreement. In such case, we will reimburse you all the payments you have made with respect to the order, if any. Your rights in connection with the default in delivery shall remain unaffected by this provision 4.4 para. 4. 

We are entitled to deliver products you have collectively ordered in partial deliveries, provided that the products can be used separately. We will bear any additional shipping costs caused thereby. 

  1. Ownership of Products

We retain title to the products delivered to you until the payment for them has been made in full. 

You are not entitled to resell any products delivered to you which are subject to the retention of title as stated in this Clause 5 unless we have granted prior written consent to such resell. 

  1. Further liability

6.1 We shall not in any event be liable to you or anyone else in relation to our Agreement and sales of products through our Website for business-related loss, damage or costs such as lost data, lost profits or business interruption. 

6.2 We shall have no liability for loss, damage or costs in relation to our Agreement or sales of products through our Website attributed to: (a) your own fault; (b) a third party unconnected with our own performance; or (c) any other events which are outside our or our suppliers' control even if we or they have taken reasonable care. 

6.3 We do not however limit or exclude our liability to you or anyone else in relation to our Agreement or sales of products through our Website where this is prohibited by law including for death or personal injury caused by our negligence or for our fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation. 

6.4 To the extent our liability is excluded or limited as stated in this Clause 7, this shall also apply to our employees, directors, representatives and agents. 

  1. Online dispute resolution

If you are not happy with the way we deal with any disagreement then you, we may agree to refer the matter to mediation but neither you or we are restricted from bringing court proceedings.